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Season 1
Impact of social grants on people's lives

Child support grants, foster care grants, old age, war veterans, Social Relief of Distress Grants, disability, and care dependency grants. These grants continue to put food on the plates of millions of unemployed South Africans. How much of a role have these played in the lives of this country’s citizens? Are they not creating state dependency? How sustainable are they?

Right to vote freely and independently

Ensuring that elections are accessible and inclusive for all citizens, including those with disabilities and the elderly, is crucial for upholding democratic principles. However, challenges such as physical barriers, lack of awareness, and insufficient accommodations often hinder their participation in the electoral process. As we approach the election season, it's important to address these issues. How can we ensure that every eligible voter, regardless of their abilities or age, can exercise their right to vote freely and independently?

​Infastructure Problems in SA

Days without water, electricity. No trains for days on end. Sewer flowing into the streets. Traffic lights not working. All these due to theft, vandalism and non-maintenance of infrastructure in South Africa. As the country continues to grapple with persistent infrastructure issues, ranging from theft and vandalism to neglect and deterioration, we seek to shed light on these challenges and explore potential solutions on today's episode of Elections 360 Daily. Is enough being done to tackle this issue that has a huge impact on South Africans and the economy?

Reflecting on 30 years of democracy

In this episode of Elections 360 daily we look at the 30 years of democracy in South Africa

Hijacked/Abandoned Buildings

In this episode of Elections 360 daily we look at the plight of hijacked/ abandoned buildings in SA and its effects on the country’s economy.

Protest culture in South Africa

Dubbed "the protest capital of the world" Since January this year, South Africa has seen a surge in protests driven by dissatisfaction with service delivery, particularly in the context of the 2024 elections. Communities across the country have taken to the streets to voice their frustrations over issues such as lack of access to clean water, electricity, housing, and basic services. Usually see an increase in the number of service delivery protests in the run-up to elections. We ask the question, how effective are they? Why is it that we see a lot of protests in the run-up to elections?

Illegal immigration

With the general election scheduled for the end of May, illegal immigration has become a highly charged political issue. The South African authorities say they are tightening border security. With the general election scheduled for the 29th of May, illegal immigration has become a highly charged political issue. The South African authorities say they are tightening border security. On the show we bring you the report which aired on our sister show the Elections 360 weekly on porous borders and migration impact in Limpopo province through the province’s citizens.

Drugs and alcohol

In this episode of Elections 360 daily we look at the scourge of drug and substance abuse in our communities.

Support for small businesses

Small business corporations are defined as entities with an annual turnover of less than R20 million in South Africa. These businesses are crucial to the South African economy as they contribute to job creation, economic growth, and poverty alleviation. However, despite their importance, small business corporations face numerous challenges that hinder their growth and sustainability. In this episode, we explore some of the challenges faced by small businesses in South Africa and potential solutions to overcome them.

Solutions to water scarcity in South Africa

In this episode of Elections 360 daily we look at water challenges and solutions to water scarcity in South Africa with Minister of Water and Sanitation Senzo Mchunu.

Water Crisis In South Africa

Eastern Cape has faced drastic droughts since 2005 due to the global climate change crisis, with dams reaching all-time lows. This of course has impacted the quality and cleanliness of drinking water. Four villages outside Port St Johns in the Eastern Cape have struggled to access clean drinking water for over eight years. The villages are Chwebeni, Hlamvana, Bholani and Dumasi under Chaguba administration area. They are forced to drink at water springs and rivers with animals.

Young people's voting patterns

South Africans will head to the polls on 29 May 2024, marking 30 years of democracy. This week on Elections360 Daily we shine a spotlight on the IEC’s readiness for this year’s general elections.

State of elections readiness

Election 360 is a new show covering all your election news in 2024. In our first episode we look at the readiness of May elections by IEC and Home Affairs.

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