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Season 1
Disability Inclusion

South Africa has progressive laws to protect and advance the rights of people living with disabilities. But, there is still an outcry about their lived experiences.

Undocumented people cannot vote during elections

As South Africans gear up for the elections next month, some will not be able to cast their votes because they are undocumented.

The Ultimate Price part 2

As we commemorate yet another freedom day this week, relatives of those who died while in military training in other countries say it is a painful reminder that the remains of their loved ones are still in a foreign land.

Desecration of graves

Cemeteries have become a playground for criminals. This desecration of graves has sent shock waves across the country.

Human-Wildlife Conflict

A conflict is brewing in northern KwaZulu-Natal, pitting people against elephants. This after a man was trampled to death by an elephant on the east bank of the Jozini Dam. it is alleged that his death set in motion a bloody reprisal from the local community, resulting in the ongoing killing of elephants in the area.

Bogus Lawyer exposed

Exposing a bogus lawyer who is awaiting sentencing for defrauding 38 pensioners.


We investigate the ongoing violence in KwaMashu Hostel in KZN. The hostel is notoriously known for murders which occur on almost a daily basis. It has over the years turned into a killing field and a haven for criminals.

Critical But Stable

What's the condition at your local hospital? Staff at a hospital in the Eastern Cape recently went on strike over the deteriorating condition of the institution.

Sizama impilo elindleni

Residents of Zamimpilo Informal Settlement in Gauteng are up in arms over the appalling state of their living conditions.

Shattered Dreams

In this episode, we highlight the plight of an elderly farmer who has been living in Limbo for the past seven years. This, was after his farm was gutted by fire which was allegedly started by municipal workers.


Is clay a highly addictive silent killer?

Sex Workers

The delay in legalizing sex work makes, sex workers vulnerable to abuse.

Religious Institution

A religious institution in the Eastern Cape is accused of using inhumane methods to heal those addicted to drugs.

Dangers of Tobacco

We expose the dangers of sniffing snuff and smoking the hubbly-bubbly.

Bullying and Suicide

The number of learners who commit suicide as a result of being bullied in schools is on the rise. Cutting Edge investigates.

Slain uMkhonto weSizwe Freedom Fighters

30 years since the democratic dispensation, surviving family members of the 36 South African freedom fighters who were massacred in in Maseru, Lesotho, are still pleading with government departments to have the remains of their loved ones repatriated back to South Africa.

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