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Season 1
Career opportunities for 2024

Expressions explores career opportunities for 2024.

ANC's January 08 Statement

Does ANC's January 08 Statement speak to young people and does the party have youth interest in their programmes?

Grindr/dating apps scams : 04 December 2023

In this week's episode, we take a look at the growing number of online Abductions taking place through dating sites...A dating app designed to allow gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people to meet and connect has allegedly turned into a platform for robbers, fraudsters and rapists who target innocent users. Police have since issued a warning against using the app.

Is being an influencer sustainable as a career_

Over the past couple of years, we have seen the rise of influencers and digital content creators and some of them have gone as far as sharing that being a digital content creator is their primary source of income. we will unpack the feasibility of having social media as your primary source of income and the challenges of being a social media influencer. This episode of Expressions will follow South African Social Media Award winners and a social media expert to help us answer today's question which is: Is being an influencer sustainable as a career?

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme has been accused of funding ghost beneficiaries while many qualifying students are not funded. This week we look into this matter.

HIV infections

As Expressions we focus on the exponential increase of HIV infections amongst young people, provinces like KZN continue to record high numbers of teen pregnancies. World AIDS Day is commemorated each year and it is an opportunity for every community to unite in the fight against HIV, show support for people living with HIV and remember those who fought the good fight against this epidemic disease. A review of efforts in addressing the HIV and AIDS epidemic over the past 20 years, paints a mixed picture. While there have been many scientific advances in HIV treatment including antiretroviral treatment and pre-exposure medication, we continue to see high numbers of infections.

Young People and Alcohol abuse

Should students start looking at other bursary schemes?

On expressions this week we are talking Bursary schemes. It’s the beginning of the year. A lot of students will venture out to higher education institutions hoping to further their studies, a many will need Nsfas to assist them in doing so. But unfortunately. A lot of students seemed unsatisfied with how the NSFAS application process is going. what other alternatives are there? for students to receive high-level education

Bogus colleges in South Africa - 05 February 2024

In this episode of Expressions, we focus on Bogus Colleges. Is the government doing enough to curb Bogus Colleges in South Africa? Parents and aspiring students are being warned to be wary of bogus schools and colleges. Each year, young people fall prey to institutions posing as above-board and reputable private schools and colleges, when they are not properly registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). In recent years, we have seen a spike in the number of such colleges without going unabated.

Gender-Based Violence - 12 February 2024

How do we celebrate the month of love amid a country infested with GBV? Are we doing enough to curb Gender-Based Violence?

Expressions | 19 February 2024

Some 65 per cent of young people stated that they had some form of a mental health issue but did not seek help, according to findings from the latest UNICEF South Africa U-Report poll. This week, we focus on the causations and impact thereof.

Kugug' othandayo | 04 March 2024

There is a growing demand for specific cosmetic surgery procedures in South Africa. More people worldwide are becoming open to the idea of having a cosmetic procedure, in one form or another. These cost an arm and a leg but haven’t stopped young people from going to extra lengths to get money for these procedures which have flooded the media space. This Expressions episode will look at procedures young people undergo to stay young and the impact they can have on a person’s health.

Expressions I 22 January 2023


What is Ukuthwala?

Thabo Bester

Let's dive into the Thabo Bester saga.

Young MP's

An indepth look at young MP's.

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