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The importance of judicial independence

The Department of Labour is under pressure to determine the cause of the deadly building collapse in George. Employment and Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi reacts. The highest court in the country is facing a significant leadership transition as the position of chief justice will become vacant on August 31, when Justice Raymond Zondo's term ends. Zondo was appointed to the Constitutional Court for a 12-year term starting from September 2012. The Constitutional Court has played a crucial role in achieving constitutional justice in the country, with Zondo advocating for the court's complete independence. Chief Justice Raymond Zondo faces the nation.

SABC rejects DA's election advert

The leader of the Democratic Alliance has accused the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) of censorship. This after the SABC wrote a letter to the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) about its decision to reject a political advertisement from the DA that depicts the burning of the South African flag. DA Federal Chairperson, Helen Zille reacts to this development And two vibrant young leaders have formed political parties that will contest elections for the first time. RISE Mzansi Leader, Songezo Zibi, and Build One South Africa Leader Mmusi Maimane discuss their prospects and their promise to the electorate.

ActionSA committed to Multi-Party Charter

The police are now investigating allegations that some signatures submitted by the MK party were forged. The IEC says it's hoping that the investigation can be expeditious-as the matter is crucial for the conduct of free and fair elections. But what are the chances the investigation will be done before elections? And if it's concluded after elections, what are the consequences if the allegations are proven? And now that it's clear the system can be corrupted, should the IEC reconsider this system of signature submissions? The electoral commission speaks to us tonight. Is the Multi Party Charter crumbling? Action SA is unhappy with parties in the MPC-that have expressed the willingness to co govern with the ANC. Action SA leader Herman Mashaba join us.

Former President Mbeki leads ANC campaign trail in Soweto

Former President Thabo Mbeki was on the ground today, campaigning for the ANC after a very long time. But how far are these efforts going to go? What impact will having him campaign for the party, have on its electoral outcome? Can the former president help save the ANC from potentially dipping below 50%? The ANC's head of elections Mdumiseni Ntuli joins us. Also on the show tonight-the DA says the ANC has had nothing but broken promises for the people of Gauteng since our dawn of democracy. Is that a fair assessment by the DA? And what does the DA itself have to offer for the people of Gauteng. The DA's Gauteng premier Candidate Solly Msimanga joins us.

"The ANC is targeting Jacob Zuma"

The ANC has finally served former President Jacob Zuma with a notice to appear before its disciplinary hearing for contravening the party’s rules. Zuma is technically still a member of the ANC even though he was suspended from the party in January, after he announced his support for the MK party back in December. The EFF’s Dali Mpofu speaks on whether the ANC is a possible coalition partner after the elections? SAFTU, COSATU and AMCU speak on the role of trade unions.

Three weeks of no load shedding

Eskom Chairperson Mteto has dismissed as baseless reports that rolling blackouts are being used as an election ploy. He has urged members of the public to instead focus on Eskom's efforts to further reduce rolling blackouts. For more than three weeks consumers have been enjoying one of the longest periods free of rolling blackouts in years. This is because Eskom says it has sufficient generation capacity and emergency reserves to meet demand. Eskom Chairperson Dr Mteto Nyati joins us in the studio to talk all things rolling blackouts.

United Nations and Police Minister Bheki Cele

As the United Nations General Assembly prepares to vote on whether to accept Palestine as a full UN member, Richard Gowan, who is a UN analyst is facing the nation. Police Minister Bheki Cele speaks on SAPS operations to combat crime.

Ensuring stable coalition governments

Ekurhuleni has a new mayor. The ANC is back in charge, in the metro. Nkosindiphile Xhakaza has been elected as mayor uncontested. But how long is this arrangement going to last? given the frequent changes in the past. Gauteng premier Panyaza Lesufi joins us this evening. He has been at the forefront of negotiating coalition agreements in Gauteng. We will also talk to him about e-tolls -which are coming to an end at midnight. But there are questions about what happens to historic debt? We will discuss these and other issues. Premier Panyaza Lesufi is facing the nation tonight.

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