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Pastor The DJ

As we are celebrating 60 years of Umhlobo Wenene FM get to know me PastorTheDJ

1. Quite interestingly, I’m shy by nature. I’m a person that enjoys his private space and time and I’m always misunderstood as anti-social but I just enjoy being lost in my own head space most of the time. I love staying informed and I enjoy sharing knowledge.

2. What inspired me to love radio goes back a long way. As a child, my mother played radio all the time, in the car and in the house 24/7. I was unaware of the impact that had on me until CKI FM DJs came to my Matric Farewell as invited guests. I knew that day that this is what I want to do with my life.

3. The meaning of radio to me has evolved over the last 22 years on air. As a young man, it started from wanting to play the best music on the radio but now it has grown to leading in the education of our people, being a reliable source of information and lastly, breaking new ground in the art of broadcasting.

4. If I were not on radio, with the right amount of money in the bank, I’d be touring the world. I love travelling.

5. I’d like to be remembered as the guy who did not do things because they were done in a certain way by others but be remembered as the one who found another way to do things, and it worked.

6. Five facts that people don’t know about me: In person, I am not as funny as I am on the radio, I’m really a shy person by nature. I do not enjoy being the centre of attention. I do not regard myself as a celebrity but rather as a person who’s job puts me in the public eye. Lastly, old friends humble me the most and I have my best time around them.

7. The Notorious Big - The Sky’s The Limit is the 90s song I play almost 3 times a week because of the content it carries. It is purely inspirational and motivating.

8. My 2019 surprise birthday gala was the best present I’ve ever received. My wife planned everything to the T without me knowing. Not only was the night and the venue very beautiful, she invited 25 of the closest people to me, some of whom went as far back as my primary school friends who I hadn’t seen in years and who had travelled from afar for my day. It was a very special night. Old memories were shared and new ones were made.

9. My social media handles are: IG and Twitter - @PastorTheDJ. Facebook, Pastor Nozewu.

10.Above all, my brand has been growing nationally for some time now, I have grown as a broadcaster. My motive towards why am I broadcasting has grown as well. It has taught me the importance of being accurate and truthful in your communication because so many people really on you for information, education and entertainment. Lastly, being with the station has also created bigger opportunities for my brand outside the station as well. In business and pleasure.

11.As Umhlobo Wenene FM turns 60 years this year: I’m honoured to have been allowed the opportunity to express myself creatively on this platform and make my mark in the station’s history. Thanks to the station for allowing me to live my dream and beyond. 60 years from this year I will not be on this station or alive, but I hope my name will remain in the minds of those that witnessed these milestones the station has achieved while I was allowed to be contribute to the bigger picture during my lifetime.

12.NdingumQwathi, Ntswayibana, uDikela, uNoni, uNdzila, uNdzolo?

13.My favourite traditional meal is ulusu ne dombolo.

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